Bee Gees

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Wira Wira Hariri - 1

Cucu Tunggal Pada Hari Ini Hadiri Bersih 3.0

Aksi ini dirakam dari lensa Rahman untuk ingatan Keluarga. Saya masih boleh memantau Izzuddin dari sini. 

Bahawasanya, anak saya yang belum mencecah usia 16 tahun ini, sudah saya kerahkan untuk merakam aksi aksi kekejaman Polis terhadap Rakyat Malaysia, khasnya yang membenci rasuah dan tipu daya untuk memiliki kekayaan Negara ini.

Apakah saya tidak berasa bersalah?

Tiada rasa bersaalaaaaaah!

Bila saya berjaya melepasi usia 48 tahun dalam masa beberapa bulan lagi, maknanya ini adalah usia bonus saya. Kerana, bila terkenangkan Bapak yang hanya berjaya melepasi angka 48 seketika, sebelum dijemput Ilahi , saya terasa jua, bila bila dari saat ini, saya pun pasti akan dijemputNya.

Mengapa sekarang? Mengapa tidak pada 1998? 

Sekurangnya saya sudah lakukan sesuatu untuk anak anak saya teruskan perjuangan supaya Negara ini berdiri megah sebagai sebuah Negara Islam, walaupun tidak sepenuhnya, dan bukan lagi puak puak perasuah, pemfitnah, pembunuh,  menerajui negara ini.

Bila Polis Apco memulakan aksi zalim dan kejam mereka terhadap hadirin Bersih 3.0 , dan saya terpisah dengan anak teruna saya ini, saya hanya berserah kepadaNya. Kerana kalau diikutkan, lebih ramai anak anak kecil yang turut tersiksa dengan kekejaman polis apco ini, apalah sangat kepada anak yang baru mencecah usia 16 tahun itu!

Korang tengok, walaupun terpisah dari saya, Izzuddin teruskan kerja merakam lagak sombong polis apco ini.

Semuanya ini dirakam beliau , sebaik mata dan hidung beliau pulih dari terkena semburan bahan kimia dari polis yang zalim itu.

Ini gambar rakaman terdekat yang berjaya Izzuddin susuri bersama jurukamera yang lebih dewasa darinya.

Pesanan dari pakcik pakcik beliau yang brutal itu, bila terdesak terhidu gas jahat itu, engkau rampas aje air dari orang ramai yang berlari disisi engkau tu!

Dan Izzuddin lakukan sepertimana diajar pakcik pakcik beliau dengan merampas sebotol air dari kakak yang berlari bersama. Tak kena marah pun, sebab semua saling memahami.

Sedangkan air dan garam berada didalam poket dan beg saya!

Beliau sempat berbual dengan saorang dua jurukamera media serta polis polis yang masih berhati perut itu. Ada polis yang meminta beliau beredar dari mendekati gerombolan polis yang sedang naik sheh.

Aksi ini dirakam beliau selepas beliau sendiri merasai betapa peritnya hidung , kerongkong, kulit dan mata bila terkena asap dari peluru kejam polis itu, tapi ianya tidak mematahkan semangat beliau untuk terus merakam aksi.

Abah dah rasa pedihnya gas laknatullah ini bermula dari 1998 didalam Masjid Negara selepas solat Jumaat, dan kini 2012 merasainya bersama anak teruna abah!

Kesemua foto ini adalah ory milik MediaMaya hasil kerja Izzuddin Janaton

Kalau Izzuddin terasa seksanya , bayangkan adik adik ini, dan ramai lagi adik adik lain yang turut terkena racun prdm itu!

Dari lensa Adik bongsu lelaki pulak - MGH. 


Foto foto dia ni lebih pro lah dari foto Izzuddin.

a man wearing a mask with a sea of bersih 3.0 supporters near the Dataran Merdeka. Thousands gather near the Dataran Merdeka, calling the goverment for a fair and clean election.

A message sent by the supporters of Bersih 3.0 regarding the brutality in handling the people whom they calimed were beaten in the Bersih 2.0

Azmin Ali, an elected member of parliament of Gombak constituency , addressing the crowd 

the arrival of Mr Karpal Singh, a lawyer by profession, and is an elected Member of Parliament himself, showing support for Bersih 3.0

The mighty police force showcasing their strenght by lining up all the personnel-on-duty together with their water canon trucks just infront of the Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur
The protesters first managed to break through the barricade to get thru the Dataran Merdeka, exactly at 3pm. Everyone was very happy as though many of them thought the police has finally let them thru to Dataran Merdeka.  After all, its just a padang kan?

Bersih 3.0 supporters could not handled the extreme feeling in the eyes tha tcausing them to cry and difficulty in breathing, trying to soothe the pain with water.

and another set of tear gas shot to disperse the protesters

and even the Iron Man cannot tahan the tear gas

Some of the Bersih 3.0 supporters performing Asar prayers in a premises somewhere in KL

Some of the Bersih 3.0 supporters and photographers on top of the tree trying to get the best of a view .

one of the demonstrator injured during the clash with police force.

Bersih 3.0 supporters recording the image of bullets found right after the clash with the police force. It is believed that the unused bullets had been fallen from one of the police personnel during the clash.

A protester almost fell into yhe big gap between buildings but was saved by the fellow protesters, during one of the biggest protest ever held in this country

A protester jump to run away from the tear gas that was shot into the area somewhere near the CIMB bank near Sogo, somewhere in Kuala Lumpur.

This is the incident happened right infront  of the Sogo shopping complex. in which i missed it by few seconds

It is believed that the crowd is trying to uplift the car as the intention was making sure there were no people under the car.

The police officer had been attacked by the mob right after the incident of the police car rammed  into the Bersih 3.0 supporters. It is belived that the people has ran into amok after learning the police had intentionally rammed into them. And this officer has been an easy target for the people to exact revenge over the incident, in which i never supports the idea. Seen here the policeman took house his pistol and everyone who attacked him just ran away. At this point of time, i just pray the The Mighty God that he wont pull the trigger

Bersih 3.0 still in festive mood, even after the organiser has long declared the event a success, but some of the defiant protesters remain in the strees of KL

Another agent provocateur with a baton in his hand, ready to bantai the protester

Agent provocateur? 
This guy is a police officer holding the 'getah' to bantai the people. i took this photo with my camera down, but many photograpers werent lucky enough to take this photo, as he will harrassed you and delete the photos, or worse, they will smash the camera. Standard-Operating-Procedure as being said by our Home Minister

the police drives in high speed near the Masjid Jamek area. another act of provokasi to me

the police vehicle after the high speed drive. i spotted a hole at one of the window scree n of the vehicle.

the police-in-pursuit of the protesters, it was just gila, memang gilaaaa

my last photo of the police chase, as some of the policemen noticed me taking photos of them, and they started to barge into the restaurant harassing me for the camera.memang gila punya polis.

Well, enjoying my dinner with some of my new friends i met, who came along the way from Penang. covering my black tshirt with my bag as it was full with sweat stains, as a resutl of excessive in sweating. memang gila punya berlari hari itu.hahaha

Ini antara dua darjat rakyat yang menentang kezaliman, yang dilayan seperti penjenayah. 

Saya , sampai bila bila pun, tetap akan pandang sebelah mata kepada kesemua polis di Malaysia ini, terutamanya yang mengamal 'pau' duit orang dan membelasah rakyat sesuka hati.

Masih ramai rakan rakan Polis saya yang berdisiplin dan berpegang teguh kepada Agama Allah, tetapi, saya berani katakan terlalu sedikit, tak sampai 20 peratus pun.

Saya ada menerima komen dari rakan rakan polis yang mengakui kekurangan ajar rakan anggota polis mereka, dan mereka sendiri akui kehuduhan puak puak yang tidak mengerjakan Solat didalam pasukan mereka.

Salam Hormat saya tujukan kepada rakan rakan Polis saya, yang memehak kepada saya, walaupun tulisan saya ini terpaksa saya 'kurang ajarkan' supaya mesej sampai ketahap maksima untuk polis polis anjing di Malaysia ini.

Latiff Hariri
1828 07052012
Sungai Petani

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